
Limit yourself, feed people in need

Last week, two events were held by the Institute of Church Development at the EST channels (ZOOM, YouTube). They were concerned with the issue of minimalism, which nowadays seems particularly crucial. The first one was a lecture by EST Professor Piotr Lorek, which was devoted to the “spiritual” minimalism. The second one was an interview with Konrad Mielcarek, an author of a blog concerned with the theme of Christian minimalism.

According to the basic definition, “minimalism” is a reduction of requirements, needs, aspirations, reevaluation of priorities in order to get rid of unnecessary things – both material and psychological/spiritual – and focus on the key things that enrich our lives. The current situation has made almost everyone a minimalist to some extent. However, the restrictions imposed by the epidemic may be the beginning of changes in our perception of our own needs and what surrounds us. Do we really need all those things, sensations, emotions that until recently seemed so obvious to us? Or is their deficiency an opportunity for us to take a new look?

The lecture by Professor Piotr Lorek helped to answer the questions. It definitely has made the participants think about their priorities and the impact of one’s choices on the spiritual dimension in their lives.

The interview with Konrad Mielcarek was equally valuable. Although he touched upon the material aspect of the issue, it was presented from the Christian point of view. We may perceive ourselves as affected by the restrictions resulting from the pandemic. But there are countries where people suffer hunger and are deprived of the very essential necessities. One of EST students, Izabella Szafraniec, who is a missionary and regularly visited African countries, organized a collection of money for Rwandan people on the website https://pomagam.pl/rng33tmk  or PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Senttothenationsgoal

The entire amount collected will be transferred directly to people who are in Rwanda and are involved in providing food to the most deprived families.

As EST community, we wholeheartedly support the activity and promote it as much as it is possible.

”For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”

Matthew 25: 35

Please pray for:

  • The people who suffer hunger due to pandemic all over the world. Let’s be sympathetic to them and follow the example of Jesus Christ who shared His bread with the hungry so that it was multiplied.
  • The community of Evangelical School of Theology. Let them learn how to show God’s love to the world in all of the aspects of life.
  • The financial situation of the Evangelical School of Theology and new students in the next academic year. Let the negative consequences of the pandemic affect its functioning in the least possible way.