
EST is privileged to have a team of highly qualified interdenominational faculty composed of educators, laymen and clergy from many backgrounds, including Lutheran, Baptist, Anglican, Catholic, Evangelical Reformed, and independent Christian churches.

In addition to those of Polish nationality, there are also teachers from England and the USA. Some of the faculty also lecture at other academic institutions, including the University of Wroclaw and schools in Poland and in other countries. The EST faculty and lecturers are active in research and publications in their areas of study. Also, they are involved in  churches and fellowships, as well as with other Christian organizations and ministries. In addition to teaching in the B.A. classes, EST faculty also teach courses in the Institute of Church Development and give lectures in the Academy of Third Age.

Please meet our faculty:

They are actively involved in their churches, as well as various other Christian organizations.

Kazimierz Bem, Ph.D.

  • Courses: Church History
Kazimierz received a doctorate in international law at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (2007) and completed his theological studies at Yale Divinity School with the title of Master of Divinity (2010) and Master of Sacred Theology (2012). 
Izabela Bućkowska, Th.M.

  • Courses: Introduction to the Old Testament I, Introduction to the Old Testament II, Hebrew

Izabela is a graduate of Biblical Theological Seminary (1996) and has a Th.M. degree from the Christian Academy of Theology in (2001). She joined the faculty of BST (now EST) in 1999. Izabela served as the Academic Dean in 2006-2007. Her husband is Marcin and they have three children.

Joel Burnell, Ph.D.

  • Courses: Dogmatics I,  Dogmatics II, Introduction to Evangelical Theology, Ministry
Joel is from Oregon in the USA. He graduated from Oregon State University (Corvallis) (1977) with a B.S. in chemical engineering. After graduation, he worked for 18 years on staff with Campus Crusade. For ten of those years he served in Poland among students in Krakow and Warsaw. In 1992, he graduated with honors from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary and received a Master of Divinity degree in missions and a year later a Th.M. in theology. In 1993, he was ordained as a pastor in the First Conservative Baptist Church in Roseburg, Oregon and joined the faculty of BST (now EST) that same year. In 2007, he defended his doctoral thesis at the Open University in England. He is a member of the board of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Society in Poland. Also, he’s the Director of the Jonathan Edwards Center at EST in Poland. His wife is Renata and they have three children.
Renata Burnell, M.A.

  • Courses: Ministry
Renata completed MA studies in psychological counseling in the United States. She also received a master’s degree in intercultural communication in the USA and a master’s degree in molecular biology from the University of Warsaw. She is certified as a counselor and psychotherapist by the American National Board for Certified Counselors, and she has a counselor certificate from the Association of Christian Psychologists. Renata has experience in working individually with adults and young people. She runs her own practice of psychotherapy and counseling, focused on holistic and balanced emotional, spiritual and social development. At EWST, Renata also deals with psychological counseling, conducting consultations with students. Her husband is Joel and they have three children.
Malcolm (Marek) Clegg, Th.M.

  • Courses: Elements of the Spiritual Life

Marek is from the United Kingdom and a graduate of the Universities of Sheffield and Reading. Since 1981, he has been actively involved in missions in Central and Eastern Europe and Asia. He is the Director of the Polish mission organization, ‘Mission to the East’. He is President of the Association of Christian Education ARKA, and manages three schools and an educational center. He is on the board of Youth for Christ Poland. His wife is Ania and they have three children.

Joanna Gacka, M.A.

  • Courses: Information Technology

A graduate of EWST (2012) and MA studies at the University of Wrocław in the field of philosophy (2014, specialization in social communication). PhD student at the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences of the University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław. Joanna has over 20 years of experience in the use of new technologies for communication purposes. For several years she has been conducting trainings and lectures in this field. She specializes in searching, analyzing and verifying information. Husband Grzegorz, two children.

Marek Kucharski MBA

  • Courses: Management of the Church Community

Marek is a graduate of the Biblical Theological Seminary in Wroclaw, Poland (1994). From 1994 to 2002, he served as a pastor at the Evangelical Church “ICHTUS” in Wrzesnia, Poland. From 2002 to 2003, he attended the Residency Program (internship) for pastors and leaders of Christian organizations at Fellowship Associates in Little Rock, Arkansas USA.  In 2003, he joined the staff of EST as the Director of Discipleship, and in 2006 was appointed to the position of Chancellor. In 2012, he received a Licentiate (Bachelors) degree in Finance and Business Management at Wroclaw School of Banking. In 2014, he finished his MBA studies at Franklin University in Columbus, Ohio, USA.  Since 2015, he also serves as the coordinator for the Institute of Church Development. His wife is Agnieszka and they have two sons.


Piotr Lorek, Ph.D. 

  • Courses: Introduction to the New Testament II, Theology of the New Testament

Piotr is a graduate of BST (now EST) (1999), University of Glamorgan,  Wales (2000). In August 2003, Piotr joined the faculty of EST. At the University of Wales he defended his doctoral thesis in Biblical studies (2004).  Piotr was the Director of Biblical Studies at EST from 2005 to 2006 and in 2007 became the Academic Dean. In 2015, he obtained a second doctorate (habilitation), the degree of PhD in theology in the field of biblical theology, from the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw. His wife is Alina and they have two children.

 Lukasz Maskos-Nysler, Ph.D.

  • Courses: Theological Ethics, The Srt of Writing, The Art of Speaking 

Lukasz is a graduate of the University of Wroclaw. In the academic year 1998-1999, he was a Fulbright scholar at Southern Illinois University in the USA. In 2001, he obtained a PhD in philosophy on the basis of his dissertation, Democracy as a moral ideal in the philosophy of John Dewey (1859-1952) . Since 2001, he works as a teacher of ethics at High School No. IX. In the years 2005-2016, he has been Assistant Professor in the Department of Social and Political Philosophy Institute of Philosophy, University of Wroclaw. 

Email: l.nysler@ewst.edu.pl

Wojciech Szczerba, Ph.D. 

  • Courses: Philosophy of Religion

Wojtek is a graduate of BST (now EST) (1994) and the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw (1996). In 2000, he received a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Wroclaw. He began teaching at BST (now EST) in 1996 and became the Academic Dean in 2002. He served in this position until he became the Rector in 2006. In 2009, he received a second doctorate (habilitation) in ancient philosophy from the University of Wroclaw. His wife is Magdalena and they have two children.

Sławomir Torbus, Ph.D. 

  • Courses: Greek, Introduction to the exegesis of the Holy Scriptures 

Slawek is a former student of BST (now EST) and a graduate of the Institute of Classical Philology and Ancient Culture at the University of Wroclaw. He began teaching at BST (now EST) in 2000. He received his doctorate from the University of Wroclaw in 2004. He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Hellenic Studies Institute of Classical Studies, Mediterranean and Oriental at the University of Wroclaw. He is a specialist in the history and theory of rhetoric and especially the analysis of the rhetoric of the New Testament. His wife is Aneta and they have two children.

Marta Trojanowska-Gołka, M.A.

  • Course: English
Marta is a graduate of English Philology from University of Warsaw. She has extensive experience in methodology in language schools in Wroclaw and has taught English for 11 years. She has worked at EST since 2009. She is the co-founder of the 5 O+Clock Language Centre in Wroclaw. She also contributes to ITN in Bournemouth, England, which trains future teachers of English involved in missionary service around the world.
Kalina Wojciechowska, Ph.D. 

  • Course: Introduction to the New Testament I.
Kalina is a graduate of Christian Academy of Theology (1997) in Warsaw and also studied at the Institute of Classical Studies at University of Warsaw and the Evangelical Faculty of Theology (Evangelisch – Theologische Fakultät) at Friedrich Wilhelm University in Bonn, Germany. In 1999, she defended her doctoral dissertation in the area of Biblical Studies. In 2008, she obtained a postdoctoral degree in theological science in the area of Biblical Theology. Since 1999, she has been an assistant professor and since 2008 an associate professor in the Department of New Testament Knowledge and Greek at ChAT in Warsaw. She has been teaching at EST since 2008. Her specialization is analysis of narrative books of the New Testament. Her husband is Jerzy Żak (he plays the lute) and they have one child.
Michał Zawiślak, Ph.D.

  • Course: Religious law

Michał graduated from Law School (2007) of the Catholic University of Lublin. In 2011, he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Church Fund 1950-1989”. He was a Polish correspondent for the European project of a website EUREL (Religions in Europe). He is a member of the Editorial Board of the “Jewish Religious Law Review”, and also a member of the Polish Association of Jewish Religious Law. He has taught at EST since 2009. He is always open to discussions and debates. He is married and they have two children.


EWST at SLOTArt Festival

“When I leave Wroclaw, I want to return after a few days. This is where I belong,” said Jacek Sutryk, the mayor of Wroclaw, during a meeting at the Evangelical School of Theology.

Happy Easter 2024

Easter is the time of the victory of Life over death, Light over darkness, Joy over sadness. May the celebration of Christ’s resurrection bring us peace, joy, and hope.

Mayor of Wroclaw visited EST

“When I leave Wroclaw, I want to return after a few days. This is where I belong,” said Jacek Sutryk, the mayor of Wroclaw, during a meeting at the Evangelical School of Theology.

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