

Academic Articles

Books in Polish

The following descriptions were translated from Polish to English:

  • Polish Evangelicalism Polish Facing Contemporary Challenges. Beginning in 2011, the Evangelical School of Theology, has undertaken a pioneering task of engaging in research on Polish evangelicalism. A group of scholars from EST and various Polish universities and churches, has written a unique book entitled “Polish Evangelicalism Facing Contemporary Challenges”, published in October 2013. The work covered issues of the history of evangelicalism in Poland, its beliefs and praxis, its views of other religions and worldviews, as well as of ethics and church missions in the postmodern world. What characterizes the Polish Evangelicalism? How does the evangelical movement relate to other schools of thought and religions? How to address ethical questions and challenges? What should be the contemporary mission of the Church? The publication was a great success and it has been well received in evangelical churches, among wider Christian communities (some Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and Orthodox), and also among the public media (Polish radio). It is available through bookstores and university libraries across the country. It already has been discussed and referred to at conferences and events associated with EST. Although covering extensive areas, the work proved that Polish evangelicalism is in a great need of resources helping evangelicals to fulfil their mission. The book was published by CREDO Publishing and Evangelical School of Theology.



Thanksgiving 2024

During this season of Thanksgiving, we are thankful to God for his faithfulness to the ministry of EWST in Poland. We are grateful for our friends around the world as you encourage us through your prayers, support and friendships.

EST co-organized Four Denominations’ Concert

“When I leave Wroclaw, I want to return after a few days. This is where I belong,” said Jacek Sutryk, the mayor of Wroclaw, during a meeting at the Evangelical School of Theology.

The Exciting Start of the 2024/25 Academic Year at EST

“When I leave Wroclaw, I want to return after a few days. This is where I belong,” said Jacek Sutryk, the mayor of Wroclaw, during a meeting at the Evangelical School of Theology.

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