Greetings from Evangelical School of Theology in Wroclaw, Poland. On Saturday evening, September 12, 2013, a debate was held at EST. The topic was “KIEDY ZACZYNA SIE CZLOWIEK” or “When a Human Being Begins”. The debate included abortion and other related subjects. It was open to the public, and the audience was an encouraging one. Dr. Wojciech Szczerba, the President of EST, gave a warm welcome and introduced the panel. The panel included Dr. Joel Burnell, EST faculty, and Dr. Thomas Terlilkowski, an editor of the conservative Catholic magazine, “Fronda”. Dr. Piotr Lorek, EST faculty, was the moderator. The opposing view was presented via a video link by Dr. Kazimierz Bem, pastor of the Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ (UCC) in the United States. According to the comments following the debate, both sides presented good points, and the debate was intelligent and well thought-out by all participants. This event was part of the annual Lower Silesia Science Festival, which is hosted by various colleges and universities in the Wroclaw area.
If you have further interest (or want to practice your Polish), check out the YouTube link:
or see attachments.