
EST profile on Patronite.pl

We are happy to announce that we have created the EST profile on Patronite.pl platform.

Patronite.pl platform helps to collect regular support for people or institutions, who create or do important things. Patrons declare a monthly amount of support, allowing for stable development of supported ideas and establishing a bond with their creators. In return – apart from the satisfaction of working for the development of their favorite author or project – Patrons also receive thanks and gifts from the supported authors.

The Evangelical School of Theology is a private institution, which means that we need donations to maintain our existence. We continue our mission because there are people who support us. And the mission is popularization of theological education and education of both believers and non-believers in Poland and abroad. EST was founded out of a need in our hearts for the Church to grow and develop.

We invite you to join the exceptional group of EST Patrons and support the educational activities we provide.

Link to EWST’s profile: https://patronite.pl/EWST

How can I pay from abroad?

Payments from abroad are possible with PayPal (with the help of a card, it is not possible to create a subscription from PayPal account balance alone). tPay payments are supported by Polish banks but there is a method that allows you to make payments from a foreign currency account, it just requires a bit more effort.

  • When selecting the subscription, you need to choose the tPay option and then “print payment”,
  • Add the letters PL before the account number and make a transfer in your bank for the amount including the conversion from other currency to PLN.
  • You need to add about 15% to the total subscription amount to cover the currency conversion costs. To put it simply – you need to convert the amount from Polish zloty to another currency and, when transferring the money in that currency, take into account an extra amount.