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New Issue of the EWST Student Magazine

Just before summer (June 2019), a new issue of the students’ magazine of the Evangelical School of Theology was published. In the latest edition of the student magazine you will find, among others, the Life and Faith column, and in it a reflective article on Psalm 103 (“Bless, my soul, Lord …”). Więcej >>

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Happy Easter 2019

Easter is the time of victory of Life over death,

Light over darkness,

Joy over sadness.

May the celebration of Christ’s resurrection bring us peace, joy and hope. Więcej >>

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The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2019

Ecumenism at the table, in discussion and in prayer – this is how you can briefly summarize this year’s meeting, organized at Evangelical School of Theology as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. “Unity of Christians in secular culture – conversation with friends” was the title of the event. Together, we were reflecting on the situation of Christianity in a secularized world. Więcej >>