In September 2014, the Evangelical School of Theology Educational Center organized an OAT conference “Faces of Leadership” that attracted over 150 participants. Więcej >>
Study Tour from the USA, September 3-11, 2014
It is an overwhelming task to describe to you the impact of the most recent mission trip to Evangelical School of Theology, Wroclaw, Poland from September 3 – 11, 2014. Więcej >>
European Christians Meet in Wroclaw 2014
About 4,000 people from Central and Eastern Europe participated in a Meeting of Christians (Christlichen Begegnungstage Mittel- und Osteuropa) in Centennial Hall in Wroclaw. Więcej >>
End of Year Celebration at EST Educational Center
This event was attended by students in the B.A. program, participants in the Open Academy of Theology (for churches) and Academy of Third Age (for seniors) as well as EST faculty and administrative staff. Więcej >>
Bonhoefferian Reflections
At a recent panel discussion of the legacy of 4 theologians (two men and two women; Protestant, Catholic and Jewish), we were asked, “what kind of theology do we need in order to meet?” Więcej >>
John Paul II canonization
Let me share with you, in this special day of canonization of John Paul II, an article, written by George Weigel. It is very moving and describing very well Polish, or I guess Slavic, soul of the Pope, our pope as people say here. Więcej >>