The Academy of the Third Age (ATA) team received thanks for their work from the Mayor of Wrocław.
Christmas 2022
We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thanksgiving 2022
At this time of Thanksgiving celebration our thoughts turn to you with gratitude and warm appreciation for your prayers, support and friendship. Więcej >>
EST and TCI. Polish-Ukrainian cooperation between Christian universities
On May 18, the rectors of the Evangelical School of Theology in Wroclaw and the Tavriski Christian Institute in Kherson signed an agreement on cooperation between the two universities. Thanks to this agreement, it will be possible to extend the support that EST provides to Ukrainian Christian academic circles in Ukraine. Więcej >>
Easter 2022
By the occasion of upcoming Easter, we wish you abundant peace to survive the most difficult moments, the strength to face up to the challenges, much patience, and hope in anticipation of good days to come. Więcej >>
Live from Poland by Gabriel Calderon, EST student. April 2nd, 2022
A month into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the residents of Wrocław seem to be more organized and optimistic about the services that are being provided to Ukrainian refugees. Więcej >>