Graduates of the Evangelical School of Theology (formerly Biblical Theological Seminary) are helping to fulfill the goal of EST, which is “to strengthen the evangelical movement in Poland by equipping Christians for effective ministry”. Graduates are spread out all over Poland and abroad as they serve in ministries on a full-time basis or involved in various ministries while at the same time working in secular jobs and the marketplace.
The following is a list (although not comprehensive) of the various ministries where graduates are currently serving:
Pastors, church leaders, elders, pastor’s wives, women’s ministry, church planting, youth and/or children’s ministries, college students, worship/music, evangelistic concert tours, small group leaders, missions/evangelism, counseling, coaching, psychology, sports, education, pursuing advanced degrees, publishers of Christian books and literature, translators, and staff and volunteers with Christian organizations in Poland (e.g. Campus Crusade for Christ, Youth for Christ, SLOT music/art festival, Child Evangelism Fellowship).
Karol (Charles). Studying at Evangelical School of Theology was an incredible intellectual adventure. As I became involved ministry in my church I knew that I wanted to do all I could to obtain the needed knowledge so that I can discuss all kinds of difficult topics. At EST I learned how to study the Scriptures, I was presented with diverse worldviews and teachings, which I believe to be essential for anyone who wants to know how to talk with people who seek God. I am one of the seven elders on the Church Council of the church that my family and I belong to. This council coordinates the operations of all ministries in our church, administration, humanitarian mission organization and it represents the church ‘outside’. I have been delegated by the Council to co-ordinate the worship ministry. My job is to stay in touch with the leaders, solve problems as they arise, support the ministry team spiritually and in prayer. My wife and I have one daughter.
Joanna. After graduation from EST, I studied and received a degree in Philosophy (specialization in social communication) at the University of Wroclaw. Currently, I am a PhD student at the University of Lower Silesia in Wroclaw. I have worked at EST since 2012 and involved in the coordination of activities in the field of promotion and media relations. For a number of years I have been the coordinator for the portal (Kosciol=church) and I have made changes to the site and expanding the mission of my Internet service.
Robert. My responsibilities with Steiger International (Steiger Poland) involve the following:
- Organization of large, outdoor events taking place in city centers (No Longer Music band from the USA) in cooperation with the local evangelical churches and fellowships,
- Development and implementation of discipleship program for those who are reached with the gospel during No Longer Music show (in cooperation with local evangelical churches and fellowships),
- Production of a television show “Narrow Way” – it’s an evangelistic talk show hosted by No Longer Music/Steiger leaders. There are plans to translate them into English, Russian and maybe Croatian,
- Organization and leading seminars, conferences, training courses, workshops,
- Offer coaching for people from evangelical churches who are interested in co-operation with Steiger International,
- Participation in SLOT music festival, and
- Supervising community house of Steiger International in Warsaw.