Theologica Wratislaviensia

Theologica Wratislaviensia is the academic journal of EST and has been published once a year beginning in 2006. This journal offers an educational supplement at EST to create an academic platform for exchanging ideas among researchers on various topics. The writings may be theological, philosophical, historical, and philological, as well as the popularization of scientific and educational achievements of faculty and associates of EST. This mainstream EST publication constitutes the scientific journal Theologica Wratislaviensia (ISSN 1734-4182), which was created by a series of monographs.

During the academic year 2011-2012, the scholarly journal of EST Theologica Wratislaviensia was successfully included on the official ranking list of qualified scientific journals overseen by the Polish Ministry of Science with a score of 20 points. Next, EST is seeking to move up the journal’s position on the ranking list by implementing specific ministerial requirements (such as independent peer reviews, implementing online versions, etc.).

List of Theologica Wratislaviensia published to date:

[Note: The overview (Dear Reader) and titles of the journals have been translated from Polish.]

Dear Reader,

We present you with the EST journal, Theologica Wratislaviensia. It is a scientific journal that aims to reflect on important issues and provoke debate primarily in contemporary theological thought. This journal is ecumenical just like the school. The statements in the journal are from invited theologians, philosophers, linguists, and teachers of various trends and provenance. We hope that in this way we can create an environment of open and honest dialogue, and polemics, going beyond dogmatic individual religious traditions. Such a dialogue, it seems, is much needed in our country (Poland), especially in the broader theological thought.

The Theologica Wratislaviensia is published in Polish (except for 2012 Volume VII) and the following issues can be found on the Polish website ( under Biblioteka (translated Library).

  • 2006 (Volume I): Text and Interpretation – Edited by Dr. Jacek T. Zielinski.
  • 2007 (Volume II): Problem of the Times, Signs of the Times – Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Wojciech Szczerba; Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Jacek T. Zielinski; Secretary, Dr. Piotr Lorek.
  • 2008 (Volume III): The Horizon – Afterlife – Articles from the perspective of religion and philosophy.
  • 2009 (Volume IV): Is Hell Empty? – Edited by Dr. Jacek T. Zielinski.
  • 2010 (Volume V): Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Edited by Dr. Joel Burnell and Dr. Piotr Lorek.
  • 2011 (Volume VI): Biblical Perspectives – Edited by Dr. Slawomir Torbus.
  • 2012 (Volume VII): Jonathan Edwards (in English) – Edited by Dr. Joel Burnell. This volume contains materials from the International Jonathan Edwards Conference hosted by EST (The Jonathan Edwards Center – Poland) in 2011. Please visit the website for this volume.
  • 2013 (Volume VIII): Theological Perspectives on Health and Disease – Edited by Dr. Sławomir Torbus.
  • 2014 (Volume IX): Faces of Leadership – Edited by Dr. Wojciech Kowalewski.
  • 2015 (Volume X): Views of Old Age. Interdisciplinary gerontological studies – Edited by Dr. Sebastian Smolarz.
  • 2016 (Volume XI): Dietrich Bonhoeffer on 500 Years of the Reformation – Edited by Dr. Joel Burnell, Dr. Piotr Lorek, Dr. Wojciech Szczerba.
  • 2017 (Volume XII): Faces of Reformation – Edited by Dr. Jarosław Lipniak, Dr. Piotr Lorek, Dr. Wojciech Szczerba, Dr. Jacek Zieliński.
  • 2018 (Volume XIII): Theology of Earth – Edited by Dr. Sebastian Smolarz.
  • 2019 (Volume XIV): Freedom and Values – Edited by Dr. Sławomir Torbus, Dr. Wojciech Szczerba.
  • 2020 (Volume XV): Absence/Presence of Evil – Edited by Dr. Paweł Beyga.
  • 2021 (Volume XVI): Language in/of Theology – Edited by Dr. Łukasz Maskos-Nysler, Dr. Paweł Beyga.

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Christmas 2024

We wish you the gift of faith,
the blessing of hope and peace
through God s love as we celebrate
the birth of Jesus Christ.
We wish you God’s blessings
in the New Year 2025.

Thanksgiving 2024

During this season of Thanksgiving, we are thankful to God for his faithfulness to the ministry of EWST in Poland. We are grateful for our friends around the world as you encourage us through your prayers, support and friendships.

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