Institute of Entrepreneurship

Evangelical Christians in Poland face increasing challenges, awareness of global problems, competition, constantly changing everyday life and uncertain economic environment. EST believes that we can gain impetus in Polish society by adopting strategies of growth, supporting individuals in their work areas or most valuable assets with local support institutions or the European Union. In a rapidly changing world, lifelong learning skills need to be a priority – it is the key to employment, economic success of organizations and allows people to participate fully in society and contribute spiritually to their churches, communities and cities.

Institute for Development of Business Skills (IDBS)


The Institute for Development of Business Skills (IDBS) is an initiative that includes training courses for churches, Christian organizations and individuals. The program is being developed as a result of practical needs and everyday life challenges, such as growing unemployment among church members, lack of funds for institutional development or new programs, government administrative bureaucracy or lack of leadership skills. Also, there is the development of plans to initiate dialogue between theological schools in Europe, where the main goal of the school is to operate as an educational institution serving the present needs of local churches and society.


  • Location: Regular training courses at EST or in various churches and fellowships in Wroclaw and Poland.
  • Topics to include: writing grant proposals, fundraising, accounting, budgeting, unemployment prevention and solutions, social cooperatives and initiatives, Christianity and business – a spiritual dimension, and Christianity and social responsibility.
  • Recurring workshops and conferences where representatives of churches come to EST or meet in local churches for lectures/instruction and practical training to acquire practical skills and learn from each other;
  • Regular consultations offered by EST personnel and its contacts regarding the areas and issues covered in training courses;
  • Regular visits to churches – lecturing, consulting, preaching, learning about practical needs of individual churches, with the goal to initiate new centers of IDBS in the future.
  • Initiating a conference for theological schools in Europe.


Short Term:

  • new areas of operation for EST,
  • involvement of the EST team into life of particular churches,
  • getting to know problems, challenges and needs of the churches, which we serve,
  • development of the Center in a decentralized way – “we are where people need us” and “we serve with what is needed”,
  • making new friends/contacts for EST,
  • answering immediate needs of churches in areas such as finances or business,
  • initiate a dialogue between theological schools in Europe.

 Long Term:

  • training courses become self-supporting,
  • growth of churches in deeper understanding of their social responsibilities from Christian perspective and practical skills in administration, financial and business areas, financial transparency of churches, lowering unemployment rate within the church body, receiving grants from EU or local government, etc.,
  • modifying the initial courses of IDBS in such a way that they keep answering deep needs of fellowships and their members in practical areas and their spiritual perception of these areas,
  • meaningful and longstanding support, especially for leaders of churches,
  • inviting people to other programs/courses offered by EST,
  • strengthening the structure of management of IDBS at EST,
  • inviting churches to develop their own courses of IDBS for their members, other churches and society,
  • opening new centers of IDBS,
  • supporting, promoting and making possible dialogue between various centers of IDBS,
  • converting IDBS centers into life-long learning centers,
  • involvement of EST team in building bridges between theological schools in Europe, which will be reflected in new and important relationships and mutual help in solving operational, strategic and mission achievements.


Christmas 2024

We wish you the gift of faith,
the blessing of hope and peace
through God s love as we celebrate
the birth of Jesus Christ.
We wish you God’s blessings
in the New Year 2025.

Thanksgiving 2024

During this season of Thanksgiving, we are thankful to God for his faithfulness to the ministry of EWST in Poland. We are grateful for our friends around the world as you encourage us through your prayers, support and friendships.

EST co-organized Four Denominations’ Concert

“When I leave Wroclaw, I want to return after a few days. This is where I belong,” said Jacek Sutryk, the mayor of Wroclaw, during a meeting at the Evangelical School of Theology.

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